Plastic Surgery

4 Tips For A Smooth Facelift Surgery

Submitted by: David H. Rogers

You are a Houston woman who has decided to take the plunge, and have a facelift procedure. You are naturally concerned as you would be with any surgery, about safety and the results. Nevertheless you have consulted with your facelift surgeon in Houston, you are very comfortable with him or her, have learned everything you can about the procedure, and you feel you are ready. This is the proper way to go about it. You have a good idea what the surgery is about, and what to expect in terms of the results.

There are some things you should know about the recovery period. Everyone’s recovery is slightly different because we are different individuals. You will most likely experience some swelling and bruising, which may last several weeks. After the surgery your face will feel tight and swollen, but don’t worry, this is normal. As you heal, your new face will begin to reveal itself like magic.

1. Make sure you follow your surgeon’s guidelines


Your surgeon will provide you with a guideline or list of items to ensure that your facelift recovery is successful. You should adhere to the guidelines as closely as possible. They are designed to make recovery as quick and effective as possible. For additional information about the facelift procedure, visit

2. Take your medication

There is no need to suffer through pain if you don’t have to. If you have any discomfort, your doctor will prescribe a pain medication for you. Make sure you take it. You don’t have to be brave. Make sure any other medications you are on, including aspirin and over-the-counter drugs, are cleared by your surgeon. This avoids possible complications.

3. Make sure you have a comfortable environment to recover in

You need to be comfortable in bed or on the couch. Your face should be elevated, and your back should be up. This will help reduce any swelling. Leave the dressings on your face until you visit your doctor.

4. Make sure you get plenty of rest

It is entirely possible you will be able to return to work with a couple weeks. You should avoid any heavy lifting or exercise or frequent bending over for a few weeks. Do not clean the house, do not drive the kids to soccer practice, and don’t even load the dishwasher. Your body needs time to fully heal, so make sure you give it that time. Your routine can wait.

A facelift will rejuvenate you and give you a more youthful appearance. It can take up to 10 years of age off your face. It will increase your self-esteem and your self-confidence and make you feel good about yourself. It is essential however that you make sure you utilize your recovery time to bring about a quick and effective recovery. Discuss with your surgeon at length about the procedure. Make sure all of your questions are completely answered. Follow your doctor’s recovery instructions and you will be very happy with the result.

About the Author: Online article writer from Houston, Texas. I used to write articles about the different plastic surgery procedures. For additional information about the facelift procedure, visit


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